Dr. Fred DiDomenico was born with the umbilical cord wrapped twice around his neck which almost killed him at birth.
Because of the spinal injury in his neck, that no one knew about, he chronically suffered with sore throats, stomach problems, pounding headaches, daily sinus problems and immune disorders growing up.
As an athlete, he suffered multiple spinal injuries throughout his life giving him chronic, even disabling disc problems and neurological symptoms in his neck, back and extremities.
Fred became a chiropractor specializing in spinal and postural correction to restore nervous system function, overall strength and health. He was his own toughest patient due to his injury history. Not only did he restore his own health, strength and life, he became a committed doctor, strong leader with a purpose to restore strength, life and health in his patients. He now coaches chiropractors and teams to help as many people as possible around the world heal with corrective Chiropractic. He has influenced the lives of well over 1 million patients around the world. He is also a spiritual leader to help people discover, live and fulfill their soul purpose in the book, “You Are More Powerful Than You Think” with the H.E.A.L.E.D. 6-Step System to Heal ANYTHING.